Doonesbury comics

by Garry Trudeau

GP, 2/22/04: Exclusive: Doonesbury rips off Language Log:

ML, 4/11/04: A deep love of dairy products:

AZ, 6/10/05: WTF coordinate questions:

ML, 6/23/05: Not over it is:

GP, 8/7/05: Never thought the day would he see:

AZ, 2/21/06: Into the future at McFriendly’s:

ML, 6/17/06: My adjective:

ML, 9/17/06: Rhetorical questions: Threat or menace?:

ML, 11/4/06: Linguistics in the funny papers:

ML, 2/3/07: Charm school (and battling logicians):

BZ, 2/25/07: The perils of comic-strip lead time:

ML, 4/19/07: Truthiness in the funny papers:

ML, 5/12/07: Interesting times:

ML, 7/14/07: Multiplex negatio ferblondiat:

AZ, 9/5/07: [obscene gerund]:

GP, 10/12/07: Berzerkistani phonology:

ML, 10/21/07: Turn-taking etiquette:

ML, 10/28/07: Linguistics in the funny papers:

ML, 2/20/08: Aphasia in the funny papers:

AZ, 3/15/08: Doing things with conditionals:

ML, 5/9/08: Inverse eye dialect from Doonesbury?:

Inverse eye dialect from Doonesbury?

ML, 6/22/08: The last Bushism?:

The last Bushism?

ML, 7/31/08: Work vs. play:

Work vs. play

ML, 11/29/08: Pickin’ up on those features also:

Pickin’ up on those features also

ML, 12/27/08: Alternative semiotics of footwear flinging:

Alternative semiotics of footwear flinging

ML, 5/7/09: The pig named ‘pig’:

The pig named ‘pig’

ML, 7/3/09: No word for bribery:

No word for bribery

ML, 11/3/09: One’s-Self I Tweet:

One’s-Self I Tweet

ML, 1/3/10: Just all this math, filling up the page:

Just all this math, filling up the page

ML, 3/29/10: My hovercraft is full of ham:

My hovercraft is full of ham

ML, 6/10/10: BP’s efforts in the gulf:

BP’s efforts in the gulf

ML, 6/16/10: That gecko’s pleasant accent: Martin and Mellors:

That gecko’s pleasant accent: Martin and Mellors

ML, 6/17/10: Everyone loves Ringo:

Everyone loves Ringo

ML, 8/28/10: Taking care of people:

Taking care of people

GP, 10/22/10: Sorkh Razil: Language Log asks you:

Sorkh Razil: Language Log asks you

ML, 12/19/10: Inversion of scalar surprise:

Inversion of scalar surprise

ML, 3/26/11: Celebrity voices:

Celebrity voices

ML, 5/20/11: No word for Rapture:

No word for Rapture

ML, 6/26/11: Too true:

Too true

ML, 10/14/11: Sirimania:


11/14/11: GenX so:

GenX so

ML, 12/2/11: “I had it professionally translated”:

“I had it professionally translated”

ML, 4/16/12: Larkin v. the Gray Lady:

Larkin v. the Gray Lady

BPa, 7/30/12: Presupposition & VP-ellipsis in the comics:

Presupposition & VP-ellipsis in the comics

ML, 9/16/12: Individual discount rates and future reference in English:

Individual discount rates and future reference in English

ML, 12/14/12: Genetic effects on syntax, usage and punctuation:

Genetic effects on syntax, usage and punctuation

ML, 1/30/13: Linguistic comics:

Linguistic comics

6/2/13: The metastrip:

The metastrip

7/4/13: On the unicorn watch:

On the unicorn watch


ML, 2/14/14: Rocking the snark:

Rocking the snark

2/15/14: Slang change:

Slang change

3/23/14: Sunday melange:

Sunday melange


5/11/14: Three on Mothers Day:

Three on Mothers Day


5/21/14: Three diverse:

Three diverse


5/22/14: Illegal:


5/24/14: Three more diverse:

Three more diverse


5/26/14: Three for Memorial Day:

Three for Memorial Day


5/28/14: Back from Memorial Day:

Back from Memorial Day


6/4/14: Hallucinations and delusions:

Hallucinations and delusions

7/14/14: A Sunday quartet:

A Sunday quartet


9/7/14: geosocial:


10/3/14: Morphology Friday 2: back-formed freedom-fight:

Morphology Friday 2: back-formed freedom-fight

12/14/14: Reality-based?:


3/8/15: Cartoonists:


on Charlie Hebdo

3/15/15: The fog of memory:

The fog of memory

5/24/15: Sideways denial:

Sideways denial

6/24/15: A query on comic conventions:

A query on comic conventions


ML, 9/20/15: Participles, converying urgency?:

Participles, conveying urgency?

9/21/15: Participles of immediacy:

Participles of immediacy

ML, 4/17/16: Trump® brand insults:

6/5/16: More participial urgency:

More participial urgency

6/9/16: What the wind says:

What the wind says

6/12/16: The entrepreneur gets an honorary degree:

The entrepreneur gets an honorary degree

10/26/16: Idiom blends, with wine and roses:

Idiom blends, with wine and roses

10/27/16: Two poignant cartoons:

Two poignant cartoons


11/13/16: What do men want?:

What do men want?

11/20/16: Is is all in the framing?:

Is it all in the framing?

12/12/16: Language Sunday in the comics:

Language Sunday in the comics


4/7/17: Plus ça change:

Plus ça change

5/21/17: Audiences:



9/22/17: Husbands and wives:

Husbands and wives

two cartoons

10/4/17: Z is for zip:

Z is for zip

Zipper and Zonker Harris

5/14/18: Air spelling

Air spelling

7/8/18: How to use the F Word:

How to use the F-word

3/12/20: Higashi Day cartoon 2: the stigma of striphood:

Higashi Day cartoon 2: the stigma of striphood

6/7/20: tribute time:

tribute time

2/15/21: The brain health product:

The brain health product

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