Archive for the ‘Animation’ Category

Pingu Pongu

October 17, 2022

Not remotely what I intended to post about today, but it figuratively leapt from the pages of yesterday’s New York Times Magazine, figuratively shrieking directly at me:


Well, as it turns out, sort of penguin, sort of language. The sort-of-penguin is Pingu, a claymation tv character. The sort-of-language is Pingu’s variety of  grammelot, a performance art form of “speaking without words” (pronunciation note: in English, /ˈɡræməlat/).

In the Magazine’s Letter of Recommendation section, a piece by Gabriel Rom: on-line 10/11 with the title “This Kids’ Show Proves the Wisdom of Gibberish”; in print 10/16 with the title “Pingu”; and both with the subtitle: ““Pingu” teaches everyone, even adults, to find meaning in made-up language”

(#1) Pingu, a creature of affective utterance and non-verbal communication (illustration by Niv Bavarsky)


The teddy bears’ drink

July 10, 2020

The coincidental juxtaposition of two things: yesterday’s Zippy strip about the drink Yoo-hoo; and the annual occasion, today, of Teddy Bear’s Picnic Day. Yes, one thing leads to the other, and the crucial link is the American baseball player Yogi Berra.

(#1) Zippy goes to his Kelvinator, and it calls “Yoo-hoo” to him


Distracting moments in gay male erotica

June 6, 2017

(Warning: kinky mansex territory, so NSFW and not for kids or the sexually modest.)

The header on a Facebook posting by Michael Palmer, which took me to the BareTwinks site and scenes like ths one:



A morning with Friz

May 8, 2015

Today’s morning name was Friz Freleng: an animator for Warner Bros. cartoons. (His name was probably in my subconscious from my posting on Speedy Gonzales.)


Snidely Whiplash

January 27, 2015

As I post here from time to time, I often wake up with a name stuck in my head, usually for no reason I can discern. Today it was Snidely Whiplash, a wonderful name for a villain. And villain he is.
