
Postings, mostly on AZBlogX, with writing (essays, poetry, fiction) on sexual (almost all gay male) topics

related Pages elsewhere on this blog

— linguistics notes

Page: slurs, section 3: fag(got) and other sexuality slurs

— lists

Page: art (and design) / photography / architecture postings; art with a significant homoerotic component is labeled as MALE

clothing Page: shirtless (heavy on homoeroticism)

clothing Page: underwear (heavy on homoeroticism)

Page: homosexuality: postings on homosexuality and anti-homosexuality; gay life; the gay voice; gay slang; labels for lgbt people; insults and slurs

Page: language and the body (including sexual body parts)

Page: language of sex: on vocabulary in the domains of sexuality, sexual roles, and sexual identities; sexual practices and devices; and sexualized clothing

Page: men’s fragrance

Pages: phallicity: postings on phallic symbols, with three sublists: moose-knuckles, wurst, other

Page: pinup art (heavy on pinup boys and beefcake)

Pages: rainbow flag as a gay symbol, with three sublists: rainbow food, rainbow underwear, rainbow flag (other)

— the language of comics

comics Page: Alison Bechdel

comics Page: Josman

New Yorker cartoons Page: (William) Haefeli

comics Page: Tom of Finland

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