Archive for the ‘Initalisms’ Category

the Vegas idea

October 7, 2016

A recent One Big Happy has Ruthie, once again, coping with an expression unfamiliar to her — the negative polarity item (NPI) have the vaguest idea, under the scope of negative n’t in doesn’t have the vaguest idea — by interpreting vaguest as a phonologically close item familiar to her from watching daytime television: Vegas, short for Las Vegas.:


Briefly: initial-based crime dramas

April 11, 2015

Now appearing every so often on the USA Network (American cable), an entertaining commercial for the network, touting the “initial-based crime dramas” (like NCIS and CSI) viewable on it, and bursting out in a fountain of initialisms of all sorts (OMG etc.).

I haven’t been able to find a video of the commercial or a transcript of it, but I’m hoping that one or another of these will eventually be available to report on here.