Archive for the ‘Modality’ Category

Morning: The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades

December 26, 2015

This morning, this name of a song, which just bubbled up out of nowhere. (No, this is not a bright and sunny day.)

You can listen to the song here.


You must remember this

October 12, 2015

The Dilbert from 10/10, on the fragility of memory:


Memory is fragile in the here and now, as for the pointy-haired boss and Dilbert (above), but even more so in the longer term, as in this Zach Kanin cartoon from the October 12th New Yorker:


As I’ve posted about many times, this sort of memory is a construction, often in flux, showing the effects of selective attention, expectations, and later experience (including things you’ve heard about). The white whale loomed big in (this) Captain Ahab’s mind, and so in his memory.

Now the title of this posting, the first line of the song “As Time Goes By”.
