Etymythology postings

Etymythology / mythetymology postings

distinct from the reshapings in classical malapropisms and the like

a few links for postings on the Etymological Fallacy, but only a few

a few examples of acronymic etymythologies, but only a few

little discussion of solid etymologies that will strike most people as preposterous


4/4/09: Foamers and stories:

Foamers and stories

foamer ‘intense railfan’; narratophilia; “A good story is better than the truth”

12/22/10: Amateur etymology:

Amateur etymology

etymology of O.K.

4/18/11: Truth, memory, and stories:

Truth, memory, and stories


2/20/12: The Chink files:

The Chink files


6/27/12: Bullshit etymology:

Bullshit etymology


11/2/12: Sark:


comment by Julian Lander with playful etymology for Herm

12/5/12: sprouts:


acronymic derivation for sprout

2/20/13: Terminological precedence:

Terminological precedence

narratophilia; halls of ivy
Larry Horn: “A more positive spin is that humans love explanations, especially elegant ones – even incorrect or unsubstantiated elegant ones.”
Dennis Preston: “Narratophilia is particularly rife in place-name legends.”
Grant Barrett on “the use of creation myths in novels, screenplays, etc., as representations of “narratophilia.”
Cooter Brown, Miss Mamie Johnson
friend of Dorothy

4/28/13: digitalis / foxglove:

digitalis / foxglove


8/18/13: Odds and ends 8/18/13:

Odds and ends 8/18/13

5: dago, wop

10/10/13: sledge:


(Australian slang) sledge

1/26/14: Cartoon etymology:

Cartoon etymology


10/19/14: Quarantine:


really about the Etymological Fallacy (quarantine, decimate)

11/26/14: Annals of etymythology: to pass for:

Annals of etymythology: to pass for

as in to pass for/as white

11/28/14: Taking it Black:

Taking it Black

Black Friday

11/28/14: More Black Friday etymythology:

More Black Friday etymythology

12/26/14: Illegal tipping in Maine:

Illegal tipping in Maine

acronymic etymology for tip

1/15/15: Lexicographer, unchained:

Lexicographer, unchained

Kory Stamper on the difficulties of etymology; Nosy Parker, gorp
KS: “Acronymic etymologies are, by and large, total horseshit.”

3/24/15: Where do you get your facts?:

Where do you get your facts?

source amnesia
“Not only do people prefer stories, they prefer satisfying stories: straightforward and uncomplex, but detailed and full of human interest, and conforming to our expectations about human nature and the motivations for actions. Factual accounts of events are rarely this satisfying.”

3/29/15: Boobies:


“There’s a lot of supposition in these stories”

5/2/15: Annals of idiomaticity:

Annals of idiomaticity

Etymological Fallacy: one of the only

7/25/15: Morning names: najed mole rat, Penn Palestra:

Morning names: naked mole rat, Penn Palestra

section on etymological red herrings

11/6/15: crap(s) game:

crap(s) game


11/8/15: Bizarro etymology:

Bizarro etymology

fanciful etymology: moose

5/27/16: Morning spunk: same word, different word:

Morning spunk: same word, different word

looking for a common meaning in words that are only etymologically related

10/26/16: Bring out your lukewarm etymythologies:

Bring out your lukewarm etymythologies

request for invented etymologies for lukewarm

Larry Horn on ADS-L 10/27/16, comment on my LUKEWARM posting:
I like “narratophilia” (sometimes, as with the faux acronyms of the “F.U.C.K.” class, manifesting as *narratomania*) as a diagnosis for the syndrome in question. In my 2004 American Speech paper (“Spitten image: etymythology and fluid dynamics”), cited by Arnold in his earlier posts on this topic, I attributed the appeal of etymythology to the fact that “The human animal loves a good story and in particular cherishes a narrative embedding privileged knowledge”. Only now do I realize what a challenge that sentence is to parse; making it through the last four words just took me several tries.

7/25/17: From Tex-Mex to naked rugby:

From Tex-Mex to naked rugby

etymythology for Spanish nickname Chuy

3/27/18: An idiom comes to life:

An idiom comes to life

frog in one’s throat

7/13/19: The Avocado Chronicles: 2 etymology and etymythology:

The Avocado Chronicles: 2 etymology and etymythology

etymythology for avocado

10/16/19: Toadsuck catfish:

Toadsuck catfish

etymythology for the placename Toadsuck AR