Harry Bliss cartoons

ML, 5/23/12: No, it should be “… to whom to turn”: http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=3973

12/11/12: Famous Models:

Famous models

6/30/13: Once again, same-sex relationships in the New Yorker:

Once again, same-sex relationships in the New Yorker


5/18/14: Five for Friday:

Five for Friday


11/19/15: Four from the New Yerker:

Four from the New Yorker


3/11/16: Three from the New Yorker:

Three from the New Yorker


11/15/16: The agony of homophobia:

The agony of homophobia


4/17/17: New Yorker artwork 4/15/17:

New Yorker artwork 4/17/17


5/9/17: Conferring:


5/22/18: (I just) can’t stop (it):

(I just) can’t stop (it)

12/20/18: Ask not for whom the Reaper scythes:

Ask not for whom the reaper scythes


5/16/19: Is Timmy in trouble?:

Is Timmy in trouble?


5/30/19: Wisely seasoned:

Wisely seasoned


6/22/19: You shouldn’t do that:

You shouldn’t have done that


6/27/19: The Desert Island Reaper:

The Desert Island Reaper


3/12/20: grim Bliss surprise:

Higashi Day cartoon 1: grim Bliss surprise

Bliss Grim Reaper cartoon

1/1/21: Surprise humor:

Surprise humor

a Bliss cartoon with a surprise twist