Archive for the ‘Recursion’ Category

Three weekend cartoons: POP goes the caveman couple, recursively

April 8, 2018

A Bizarro/Wayno (the POP), a Rhymes With Orange (the Caveman meme plus relations between the sexes), and a One Big Happy (the recursion):


The news for food, 5/11/17

May 11, 2017

Following on yesterday’s food bulletins — “The Z with the ‘za”, on robot pizza trucks (here), and “Regional potato chips” (here) — today brought Facebook postings by Dan Everett and Kyle Wohlmut, taking us to: recursive pizza, a pizza place in Williamsburg (A Slice Bakes in Brooklyn), camo gouda, a cheese shop in Utrecht, cheese slicers, red and green gouda, camo ice cream, and camo cheesecake.


Recursive giraffe

May 30, 2015

In searching for some other cartoons yesterday, I came across this entertaining New Yorker cartoon by Farley Katz:

Yes, a recursive giraffe: each of its “horns” (technically, ossicones) is a giraffe, and each of their horns is a giraffe, and so on.


Recursive sushi

September 3, 2013

On Facebook yesterday, this wonderful instance of recursive sushi:


A hosomaki with several hosomaki embedded within it. (Maybe it should be called a homomaki.) This could of course be continued, with an even larger nori-wrapped roll containing several rolls like the one in #1.

This image came to me from Dan Everett. And then there’s a story.
