PartiallyClips cartoons

by Rob Balder

ML, 11/23/03: Dynamic and epistemic logic: the cartoon version:

GP, 5/10/04: Lie or lay? Some disastrously unhelpful advice:
link to:

ML, 9/12/05: Leading with the chin:

ML, 11/9/05: One for the next edition:

BZ, 3/24/06: Word rage on the witness stand:

ML, 3/2/07: The globalization of educational fads and fallacies:

AZ, 6/26/07: Three taboo cartoons:

ML, 12/2/07: The effects of global warming on vocabulary:

ML, 6/26/08: A lawsuit, or an article in JAMA?:

A lawsuit, or an article in JAMA?

ML, 7/17/08: Blackjack?:


ML, 8/26/08: Tapping on the aquarium glass?:

Tapping on the aquarium glass?

ML, 9/12/08: Talking points:

Talking points

GP, 11/12/08: Some discipline where nobody knows what the hell it is:

Some discipline where nobody knows what the hell it is

ML, 2/20/09: Fair and balanced:

Fair and balanced

ML, 2/26/09: Teaching zombie rules:

Teaching Zombie Rules

ML, 6/1/09: Talking animals:

Talking animals

AZBlog, 8/12/09: Grammarian sereotype:

Grammarian stereotype

ML, 8/13/09: Roll over Joyce Cary:

Roll over Joyce Cary

ML, 1/23/10: Look it up:

Look it up

ML, 2/7/10: In your face, Reginald:

In your face, Reginald

ML, 7/24/10: The art of conversation:

The art of conversation

ML, 8/3/10: “You, sir, are a linguist.”:

“You, sir, are a linguist.”

GP, 8/20/11: Root haughtiness:

Root haughtiness

ML, 1/18/12: Snowmanteaux:


10/19/12: Windmills and giants:

Windmills and giants

4/30/14: Go with the flow:

Go with the flow

11/4/17: Grammar police on the highway:

Grammar police on the highway

11/10/18: A vernacular construction?:

A vernacular construction?

12/30/20: Lay, goosie, lay:

Lay, goosie, lay


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