Dinosaur Comics

by Ryan North

HH, 5/17/08: Nature’s dominoes:

Nature’s dominoes

ML, 8/1/08: In real life he is a charmer, of course:

In real life he is a charmer, of course

AZ, 3/10/09: Metaphorical dinosaurs:

Metaphorical dinosaurs

AZ, 3/18/09: Middle English dinosaurs:

Middle English dinosaurs

AZ, 7/6/09: Dinosaur universals:

Dinosaur universals

7/25/09: Jokes and snowclones:

Jokes and snowclones

ML, 8/29/09: Sorites in the comics:

Sorites in the comics

ML, 10/29/09: Ask LL: parents’ beliefs or infants’ abilities?:

Ask LL: parents’ beliefs or infants’ abilities?

ML, 2/17/10: Future perfect continuous passive?:

Future perfect continuous passive?

ML, 5/1/10: “Begging the question”: we have examples:

“Begging the question”: we have examples

AZ, 11/18/10: Language Log in Dinosaur Comics:

Language Log in Dinosaur Comics

1/10/11: Horses:


ML, 3/9/11: Lera Boroditsky, call your office:

Lera Boroditsky, call your office

ML, 4/8/11: T-Rex has a new idea:

T-Rex has a new idea

6/21/11: Dinosaur awesomeness:

Dinosaur awesomeness

Dinosaur snowclone:

Dinosaur snowclone

ML, 12/22/11: Words for ‘meh’:

Words for ‘meh’

1/23/12: Dinosaur grammar:

Dinosaur Grammar

2/5/12: Sonneteer:


7/1/12: Dinosaur Comics:

Dinosaur Comics

2 strips

8/30/12: Tyrannosaurian awesome sadness:

Tyrannosaurian awesome sadness

10/11/12: The hedonistic monks of Mount Syntax:

The hedonistic monks of Mount Syntax

2/4/13: Cooking with T-Rex:

Cooking with T-Rex

☛ 3/17/13: Copyright:


5/9/13: Sarcastic and literal:

Sarcastic and literal

7/27/13: Heaps of fun:

Heaps of fun

8/26/13: Dinosaur language acquisition:

Dinosaur language acquisition

10/31/13: Legality:


2/6/14: The Pope and Doctor Who:

The Pope and Doctor Who

9/5/14: Garden pathing:

garden pathing

5/9/15: The sexy Snapchat converter:

The sexy Snapchat converter

5/12/15: Like a rock:

Like a rock

ML, 2/3/16: Separating the modern uses from the cave uses:

Separating the modern usses from the cave usses

3/11/17: Dinobros:


3/11/17: hyperbaton, hypermasturbation:

hyperbaton, hypermasturbation

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