On the double entendre watch

Posted on Facebook by Leith Chu:


Oh my: the verb pork, the verb pull, the verb rub, all available with sexual senses.

Porking. From OED3 (Dec. 2006) on the verb pork, in a subentry marked slang (orig. U.S.):

a. intr. To engage in sexual intercourse. [first cite 1968]

b. trans. Of a man: to engage in sexual intercourse with. [first cite 1978]

1984   E. Jong Parachutes & Kisses vi. 98   That did not mean he did not have other problems — far worse than the dark compulsion to pork males.

So pork is ‘fuck, screw’, but differs subtly in its syntax from these other sexual verbs. First, these other verbs have exclamatory dismissive uses: Fuck/screw Max! ‘the hell with Max!’. But pound doesn’t have this use: Pound Max! is only an instruction or command to fuck Max.

Second, note the careful “of  a man” in the b. sense above; the subject of sexual pork must be a man. However, as I noted in section 3 of a posting on “Sexual lexical semantics”, on the lexical semantics of fuck, there is now a Patient-subject use of fuck (also screw) in addition to the Agent-subject use. A play on these uses in the movie of Cabaret:

Brian “Max? Fuck Max !” [dismissive exclamatory use]

Sally: “I do!” [Patient-subject use, spoken by a woman; she is the person fucked]

Brian (after pause) “… so do I (laughs)”. [use by a man, which could be Agent-subject, Patient-subject, or neutral as between the two]

Pulling. Pull can be understood as a shortened version of pull off ‘masturbate’. From OED3 (Sept. 2007) on pull off:

trans. (freq. refl.). coarse slang. To masturbate (a man); to cause (a man) to ejaculate by masturbation. [first two cites, both from James Joyce:]

1909   J. Joyce Let. 8 Dec. in Sel. Lett. (1975) 184,   I pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways.

1922   J. Joyce Ulysses iii. xviii. [Penelope] 711   How did we finish it off yes O yes I pulled him off into my handkerchief pretending not to be excited.

Rubbing. See my “Cowboy rub” posting, with material on sexual senses of to rub, referring to masturbation or frottage.

So that’s one sexy pork shoulder cut!

Addendum. Oh yes, the pull in the name of the product is a reference to pulled pork. From Wikipedia:

Pulled pork is a method of cooking pork where what would otherwise be a tough cut of meat is cooked slowly at low temperatures, allowing the meat to become tender enough so that it can be “pulled”, or easily broken into individual pieces.

Frequently appearing in pulled pork sandwiches. Here in a Chinese version, over boiled rice:


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