More Peepshi

Jeff Shaumeyer on Facebook points us to a new piece on Serious Eats, “Peepshi: The Next Generation” by Niki Achitoff-Gray on 3/21/16, the latest of the Peepshi (Peeps + sushi] postings there (on an earlier one, see my 3/23/15 posting “Peeps time in Japan”):

(Hurry! Only two days until Easter!)

Spring is officially here, which means the birds are a-singin’, the bees are a-buzzin’, and everywhere you look, there are signs of new life. What better time to buy a crap-ton of delicious, squishy Peeps and murder them one by one?

See, we at Serious Eats await each Easter with bated breath, eagerly anticipating our moment of glory: the systematic torture of the pastel army of Peeps that flood our supermarkets and pharmacies come March. We’ve baked them into bread, skewered them on Ring Pops, melted them onto pizza, and deep-fried the little suckers. But there’s one activity we like most of all, and it just so happens to also be the cutest, kid-friendliest form of Peep massacre we’ve ever practiced. Say hello to Peepshi: inspired by the solemn Japanese art of sushi-making, but fueled by some Lisa Frank levels of Technicolor craftsmanship [Frank markets “artwork [featuring] rainbow and neon colors and stylized depictions of animals, including dolphins, pandas, and unicorns” on school supplies and the like, aimed at young girls (Wikipedia link)]. Plus, you know, decapitation.

Instructions on the site.

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