Kicked in the mascot

Today’s Mother Goose & Grimm:

The Mascots — Ronald McDonald, Colonel Sanders, Tony the Tiger, Yellow the M&M, and Cap’n Crunch — view their fallen teammate, Mr. Peanut, with dismay.

On the M&M spokescandies, from Wikipedia:

Concurrent with the Blue M&M campaign, M&M’s introduced computer animated “spokescandies” in their television commercials. These include the team of the cynical and sardonic Red (originally voiced by Jon Lovitz, thereafter Billy West) who is the mascot for milk chocolate M&M’s, and the happy and gullible Yellow (originally voiced by John Goodman, thereafter J.K. Simmons), who is the mascot for peanut M&M’s (he was originally known as “Peanut” when first introduced). Other mascots include the “cool one”, Blue (voiced by Phil Hartman until his death in 1998, thereafter Robb Pruitt) who is the mascot for almond M&M’s; the seductive Green (voiced by Cree Summer), who is the mascot for dark chocolate M&M’s; and the slightly neurotic Orange (voiced by Eric Kirchberger) representing crispy M&M’s (Pretzel M&M’s in the US when Pretzel M&M’s were released in 2010).

… Female M&M’s mascots were introduced in 1995. Green was the milk chocolate mascot and Orange was the peanut. Marketing discontinued Orange when they introduced the then new Blue mascot. Green was the only female M&M’s mascot from her introduction in 1995 until 2012, when M&M’s unveiled a new additional spokescandy, the businesslike Ms. Brown (voiced by Vanessa Williams), the “Chief Chocolate Officer.”

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