Streamlined Koons

Today’s Zippy, with a diner and an artist:


The diner and the artist, in turn.

The diner. This is apparently the Streamliner Diner, now in Savannah GA:


Yes, the diner in #1 is the Streamline, without that final R, and the plantings are somewhat different. But then this diner has been around and changed over the years. From a vacation website:

The Streamliner Diner was constructed in 1938 in Worcester, Mass. After it was built, the diner was shipped to Newport, New Hampshire and was a fixture there for close to thirty-three years. The diner was moved to Savannah around 1990, and later that year the  Art Deco Societies of America honored the Savannah College of Art and Design for its restoration of the old Streamliner Diner. The college now owns and operates the [36-seat] diner, which is open for breakfast and lunch [Mondays through Thursdays]. It is located [at 120 W. Henry St.], just a short walk from Forsyth Park.

The artist. From Wikipedia:

Jeffrey “Jeff” Koons (born January 21, 1955) is an American artist known for his reproductions of banal objects — such as balloon animals produced in stainless steel with mirror-finish surfaces. He lives and works in both New York City and his hometown of York, Pennsylvania.

A balloon dog:


and the Popeye:


Koons has gotten a passing mention in this blog, in a piece on French outrage at Murakami and other Pop Artists at a Versailles exhibition.

2 Responses to “Streamlined Koons”

  1. But is it art? More Jeff Koons | Arnold Zwicky's Blog Says:

    […] time around, a Zippy the Pinhead led to a Jeff Koons balloon dog and Popeye. Now, at the Whitney, a substantial show on Koons. From the NYT […]

  2. Things we doubt Louis XIV envisioned | Arnold Zwicky's Blog Says:

    […] Koonsian postings on this blog: 6/21/14 “Streamlined Koons” and 6/28/14 “But is it art? More Jeff […]

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