CHE for the ESC win!

Very briefly noted, a celebratory moment in two of my worlds — the Swiss diaspora and the gender & sexuality sphere — because CHE (Latin Confoederatio helvetica ‘Swiss Confederation’) is the winner in the 2024 ESC (Eurovision Song Contest); and because the winning performance was an extravagant production about the singer’s realizing and embracing their non-binary identity.

The facts in a nutshell from the Wikipedia page on the singer:

Nemo Mettler (born 3 August 1999), known mononymously as Nemo, is a Swiss singer and rapper who plays the violin, piano and drums. They represented Switzerland and won the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 with the song “The Code”, giving Switzerland their first win since 1988

And a p.r. photo of Nemo looking bigenderously beautiful:

The hyperkinetic performer caught in repose (photo: SRF / Ella Mettler)

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