LSA to announce award for LGBTQ+ linguistics

Details still to be settled, but the Linguistic Society of America will be offering a regular award for LGBTQ+ linguistics. With the permission of COZIL (the LSA’s Committee on LGBTQ+ [Z] Issues in Linguistics), which proposed the award and will administer it, I am pleased to give a little peek ahead:

The Zwicky Award, a new award that has recently been approved by the LSA, will recognize LGBTQ+ linguists who have made significant contributions to the discipline, the society, or the wider LGBTQ+ community through research, programming, activism, public service, or significant publications in LGBTQ+ linguistics, focusing on but not exclusive to work done in the prior year. Details of the award specifics and nomination process will be announced by mid-summer (to coincide with the general timeline of other LSA awards).

Yes, I’m enormously pleased, and honored.

7 Responses to “LSA to announce award for LGBTQ+ linguistics”

  1. Ellen Kaisse Says:

    Bravo, you! And bravo, LSA and COZIL.

  2. Julian Lander Says:

    How glorious to be an eponym for such a thing! Congratulations!

  3. John Baker Says:

    Congratulations, Arnold! It is a well-deserved honor.

  4. thnidu Says:

    And well you deserve it❗

  5. Rod Williams Says:

    How fabulous—congratulations!

  6. arnold zwicky Says:

    I note that if you live long enough, they don’t give you an award, they name one after you. Wow.

  7. trueshields Says:

    This is pretty spectacular, Arnold!

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