Halloween still lifes

A pair of still lifes — digital compositions — by Stephanie Shih for Halloween, with the customary flowers in vases, prominently supplemented by Halloween candy: a large lollipop on the left, a candy stick on the right:

(#1) Stephanie: “ode to childhood memories of Halloween candy”

(You might want to enlarge the images to examine the details.)

Georg Flegel and still lifes with candies. Turns out that Stephanie’s compositions continue a tradition of incorporating candies into more conventional still lifes — for example Georg Flegel’s 17th-century works, From Wikipedia:

(#2) Flegel, Still Life with Candy

Georg Flegel (1566 Olomouc – 23 March 1638, Frankfurt-am-Main) was a German painter, best known for his still life works.
… In a period of about 30 years (c. 1600–1630), he produced 110 watercolor and oil pictures, mostly still life images which often depicted tables set for meals and covered with food, flowers and the occasional animal.

Roberto  Bernardi and candy still lifes. More recently, a number of artists have taken to using candies (instead of flowers or household objects) as the primary elements of of their work — in particular, the Italian painter Roberto Bernardi. From Wikipedia:

(#3) Bernardi, Candy Rainbow

Roberto Bernardi (born 1974 in Todi, Italy) is a photorealist painter who explores the beauty of everyday life though the reflections and transparencies in his still life paintings, using as his main subject plates and glasses, kitchen appliances, dishwashers, fridges and more recently loll[i]pops and candies.


2 Responses to “Halloween still lifes”

  1. Stephanie Says:

    Thanks, Arnold! It’s cool to learn about Flegel and Bernardi’s takes on candy in still lifes, too

    Here are some details on mine. The pair is called “Hansel & Gretel” (Hansel on the left, Gretel on the right). I went to the store and got 10 lbs of candy that I remembered having during Halloween trick-or-treat hauls when I was a kid (minus the lollipops–those were just artistic licenses). I tried my best to work in as many of these candies into the arrangements: there are tootsie roll roses, a snickers/twix anemone type flower, smarties branches and flowers, m&m branches, reeses, milky way, 3 musketeers, nerds. Other details that I put in are a fly and bee, though you’ll have to look *really* closely to see them.

    • arnold zwicky Says:

      Oh cool; thank you. I suspected there was a lot more, but at this level of resolution, I couldn’t work it out. (It’s also true that my vision has been dimming a lot again, so I don’t see details very well.)

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