A tribute to Edward Hopper

On Facebook on 10/4, from the George Rullier Groupe Surréaliste!, British artist Phil Lockwood paying tribute to Edward Hopper with a compilation of Hopper’s work in a single painting, The Office at Night:


It’s characteristic of Hopper that in his paintings we seem to be catching views of his subjects from the outside, spying on them, often through a window. So it’s natural to assemble these views in office buildings (with his Nighthawks in a diner on the street, in the center of the composition).

From Lockwood’s website, his self-description (largely untouched here):

I was born [in] Sheffield, England and I am now living in the Ecclesall area of the city.

My training was at : Junior School of Art and Design (Sheffield), Sheffield College of Art and Crafts, Leeds College of Art, Retford (Teaching Certificate).  I worked in many areas of Arts and Crafts – Furniture Design, Product Design, Pottery, Etc. before obtaining a teaching certificate and becoming a school teacher. After taking early retirement from teaching, I have bumbled along as a sort of freelance artist/designer. I do sometimes produce “serious” work, but I do not see why “Art” has to be po-faced so most of my work (especially my Automata and the commissioned “Pen and Ink” work) has an element of humour.

One further example of his work, one of his Industrial paintings (similar in its complexity to #1), Auntie Jessie’s Homemade Sauce Production Plant:


2 Responses to “A tribute to Edward Hopper”

  1. Steve Anderson Says:

    I’m sure you saw the news that some of Hopper’s early works were not so much brilliant as they were copies…

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