Getting into gear for Halloween

(Gay porn, fetish gear, men’s bodies, and mansex, so not for kids or the sexually modest.)

Wondering what costume to wear for trick or treating? TitanMen’s ad offering steep discounts on DVDs for the holiday offers fetishwear models in black to guide you. Note: costumes prohibited in public in most jurisdictions.

The ad, with some strategic fuzzing out:

(#1) Original image available on AZBlogX

Both models sport black baseball caps. The Bottom Boy is wearing a simple blue harness, black crotchless chaps, and heavy-duty black boots (these boots are made for stomping). For their Halloween sport, the Top Man has chosen a black padded Y harness of canine-inflected design and black knee pads, hinting that kennel time might be part of the evening’s ritual.

The Bottom Boy has already entered the insensate state of All Hallows bliss, while the Top Man, with a devilish smile, invites all of us to participate in the solemn ceremony of Holy Fulfillment.

These remarkable customs have been maintained from times no one can now recall with any clarity, but everybody’s sure about black, harnesses, leather true or faux, and of course the sacred body parts.

Note on the wide Y harness. I haven’t found the exact model in the photo, but I did find a fine stylized leather Y harness (from TI Fabrics) that should move the fetish-inclined:

(#2) As usual, model not included in the offer; his body belongs to Daddy

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