Dipspreads in the 60s

Food and its categories.

I’m slowly working my way through the books on food and coooking at my Staunton Court condo — off-loading tens of thousands of books is a long and difficult process, on-going for about a year and a half now — and today’s box of things to sort through contained the Gourmet magazine five-year indexes for 1961-1965 and 1966-1970. The magazines themselves went away years ago, so the indexes are no longer really useful, but they have some interesting features. Notably, they have entries for the food category DIP/SPREAD, which I invented the label dipspread for and Gourmet gets at under the coordinate header Dips and Spreads — conveying that not only are dips and spreads objectively similar, but that a great many foodstuffs can function as either one or the other.

The index pages:



From this blog:

on 7/26/13, “Benedictine and its kin”:

Benedictine [not the liqueur] is a foodstuff that belongs to a conceptual category I’ll call DIP/SPREAD, for which there is no standard label in English; I’ll use the invented label dipspread.

on 10/13/13, “More dipspreads”

Two random samplings from elsewhere on these pages:

the Daisy Mae is a cocktail of gin, lime juice, green chartreuse, and simple syrup, garnished with mint

on Tipsy Parson (under Custards–Dessert), from Wikipedia: The tipsy cake originated in the mid-18th century. A recipe for cake or biscuits, alcohol, and custard combined in a trifle bowl came to the American colonies via the British, who settled in the coastal south. Its popularity remained with Southern planters who enjoyed sweet desserts. Tipsy cake was also humorously called Tipsy Parson, because it presumably lured many a Sunday-visiting preacher “off the wagon”. The name refers to the amount of alcohol used in the dish’s preparation.

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