Slexicographic notes: sploshing

Caught in a rerun yesterday, a 2009 episode (season 6, episode 9) of CSI: NY with the investigators checking out underground “sploshing parties”. Sploshing has been around for some time, and has been mentioned by sex columnist Dan Savage, but somehow I wasn’t paying attention.

From Wikipedia:

Wet and messy fetish (WAM), sometimes known as sploshing, is a form of sexual fetishism whereby a person becomes aroused when substances are deliberately and generously applied to the naked skin, predominantly the face, or to the clothes people are wearing. Several websites are dedicated to WAM fandom.

Messy substances can include whipped cream, mud, shaving foam, custard, baked beans, ketchup, ice cream, pudding, chocolate sauce, peanut butter, Japanese-style lotion, paint, oil or gunge/slime, cake batter etc. A subject will often be pelted with cream pies, slimed or sit on cakes. Wet substances are mainly water but can also include other liquids such as fruit juice, milk or alcohol (usually beer).

Bodily fluids such as feces, urine, vomit, semen, and female ejaculate are not considered part of WAM.

There are plenty of images and videos available on the net.

Apparently, the onomatopoetic name sploshing goes back to a magazine:

Splosh! is a British fetish magazine devoted to wet and messy fetishism. It features pictures of, and stories about, women in wet and messy situations. First published in 1989, it is run by Bill Shipton and his partner and model Hayley.

The magazine ended after 40 issues, and is widely regarded as the quintessential publication on the fetish, even giving rise to the eponymous term sploshing. (link)


One Response to “Slexicographic notes: sploshing”


    Interesting term. Earlier I have thought that this was an ordinary activity but now I see it`s a growing industry of fetish porn.

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