Dubious ad

An ad that appeared on my Facebook page this morning:

Ultimate Infidelity Test

Womans Panites & Mens Underwear Tested To Expose Cheating Partners. 100% Accurate & Indisputable

Just a typo — TI reversed to IT — but the error doesn’t inspire confidence in a product that looks dubious to start with. (It offers semen detection and DNA testing.)

Reversals of adjacent letters are in fact very common in handwriting and typing; LINGUSITIC(S) for LINGUISTIC(S) is so frequent that I no longer collect examples of it, and then there are:

Manhattan Calm Chowder
out of the office toady

One Response to “Dubious ad”

  1. Out of the office toady « Lubies lexicales Says:

    […] de lettres adjacentes est parfois difficile à percevoir. Cette exemple lu ici m’a fait […]

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