Blood-sucking portmanteau

This morning the SyFy channel (formerly the Sci Fi channel) is showing Tibor Takács’s 2005 made-for-tv horror flick Mansquito. Yes, a man-mosquito hybrid, created by an accident in a pharmaceutical lab which was searching for a way to cure the highly contagious and fatal Gillian virus. Radioactivity is involved, and both an experimental subject (a prisoner) and one of the experimenters are affected. (Wikipedia entry here, imdb entry here.)

The movie clearly owes a debt to David Cronenberg’s 1986 version of The Fly (a re-make of the 1958 film), though both these man-fly-hybrid flicks turn on teleportation rather than radioactivity.

An odd choice for a film for the Kwanukkahmas season. Maybe it should be seen as a diversion.



2 Responses to “Blood-sucking portmanteau”

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