Man shots

(About material on AZBlogX.)

Chris Ambidge sends me lots of photos, most of which I pass on in one or another of my blogs. Most of the images aren’t WordPressable (and most of them have no notable linguistic point), so they go to AZBlogX.

I’m then faced with the task of assembling them into sets for posting.

Some of them are “about” dicks (and balls), some of them are “about” butts, these being the sexual foci of gay men. (But I note that many of these are about beautiful male bodies, photographed in interesting ways, so that the butts and dicks aren’t really the point, even if the images are clearly homoerotic.)

However, others are “about” neither, and focus instead on something else — kissing and other forms of male-male intimacy, in particular. So I try to sort the phots into three sets, but other considerations intervene. Some of the photos Chris passes on are kirjasto shots — naked men with shelves of books — and some are bookend shots, with paired images. These are subgenres that cut across the other classifications and tend to gum up my easy three-way division.

With that background, a catalogue of the latest set of man shots, almost all from Chris:

5/11/13: Man shots 1: kirjasto

5/11/13: Man shots 2: pairings

5/11/13: Man shots 3: dick shots

5/11/13: Man shots 4: butt shots

5/11/13: Man shots: miscellany


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