
Friday’s Zits returns to some old themes for the strip:

The theme is that women — especially, teenaged girls — talk talk talk, in a rapid, never-ending stream, one sentence flowing into the next, one story into the next, without pause. You can’t get a word in edgewise, the saying goes. (The truth is far from this, of course.)

But Jeremy has found the solution, a very satisfying one: the punctuational kiss.


One Response to “Breathless”

  1. Fathers Day Five | Arnold Zwicky's Blog Says:

    […] laconic boys in Zits. On this blog, on chatty girls in Zits: 2/18/10, "Chatty Cathies"; 11/8/12, "Breathless". And on laconic boys there: 9/26/12, "Monosyllabism"; 4/5/13, "Finger talk"; 3/23/14, #2 in a […]

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