
Don’t know who thought of it first, but it’s certainly been propagated by NewScientist — print story on June 23rd; on-line story on the 19th:

Higgsteria rising as trouble brews for standard model

Excitement about the Higgs boson is ramping up ahead of a hotly anticipated conference in Australia next month. But even if last year’s tentative signals of the particle are confirmed, a fresh analysis of data from a particle accelerator in California suggests that this may not complete the standard model of physics.

A portmanteau of Higgs and hysteria. What happens when theoretical physicists get excited.

The word has been picked up enthusiastically by other science sites.


5 Responses to “Higgsmanteau”

  1. Stuart Brown (@_stuart_brown_) Says:

    Usually when theoretical physicists get excited they move to a different state.

  2. On the portmanteau watch « Arnold Zwicky's Blog Says:

    […] hysteria words. Recently on this blog, Higgsteria (Higgs + hysteria). There are more, including massteria from The Music Man: Shameless […]

  3. More dubious portmanteaus « Arnold Zwicky's Blog Says:

    […] world of portmanteaus is crowded with playful formations that are unlikely to survive for long (Higgsteria), including many that are just for ostentatious display (Piranhaconda and Sharktopus). Then there […]

  4. The sad tale of Higgs Bison « Arnold Zwicky's Blog Says:

    […] These go along with the Higgsteria reported on here. […]

  5. Today’s useless portmanteau « Arnold Zwicky's Blog Says:

    […] world of portmanteaus is crowded with playful formations that are unlikely to survive for long (Higgsteria), including many that are just for ostentatious display (Piranhaconda and Sharktopus). Then there […]

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