More found poetry

Following up on my latest found-poetry posting (here), and an earlier one (here), and a link to the “roof rats in the ivy” poem (here): two earlier finds:

Hermaphrodite Frogs
In Suburban Ponds
(NYT Science Times 4/10/08, headline p. D2)

Fruit bats make
A clicking sound
With their tongues to
Help them navigate their
Way to the fruits
They feed on.
(NYT Science Times 9/20/11)


3 Responses to “More found poetry”

  1. arnold zwicky Says:

    And to add to this, John Updike’s find of Roger Bobo and his tuba: here.

  2. Ben Zimmer Says:

    Speaking of oddly poetic Science Times headlines, back in April there was “Reptiles Eat With the Bones Humans Hear With.” The band They Might Be Giants was challenged to compose an extemporaneous song with that title (though the lyrics they came up with didn’t have much to do with the article).

  3. Another Science Times headline « Arnold Zwicky's Blog Says:

    […] exactly “found poetry” (like the Science Times headline and text in this posting) because it was surely intentional. From November 22nd: Microscopes and Math Reveal a Moth’s […]

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