Tool collages 4: serious animals

The last of the sets of tool collages, with more serious animals, many definitely threatening.

Dream Buddies:

Silent Hype:

Bored Boyfriend:


2 Responses to “Tool collages 4: serious animals”

  1. Tool collages 1: R-rated « Arnold Zwicky's Blog Says:

    […] The first of four postings, each with four collages of mine; all 16 use as background a card illustrating a tool, so that there’s some phallic content to all of them, but it’s unobstrusive in many of them. The collages in this first set have a gay sensibility that would probably qualify them as R-rated, but not X-rated; all the rest are G-rated. (Following tool collages: #2 here, #3, cute animals, here; and #4, serious animals, here.) […]

  2. LOLcats and captions « Arnold Zwicky's Blog Says:

    […] Brief cryptic captions/titles: 9/17/11: Tool collages 1: R-rated (link) 9/17/11: Tool collages 2 (link) 9/17/11: Tool collages 3: Cute animals (link) 9/17/11: Tool collages 4: Serious animals (link) […]

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