Gay porn as a gold standard

From Kathryn Burlingham, this delightful quotation from the BBC show Coupling (which I haven’t seen), with three women discussing men:

W1: So who’s this new one?

W2: He moved in across the street from me about a month ago. Gorgeous!

W1: How gorgeous?

W3: Knitting pattern?

W2: Better than knitting pattern!

W3: Shaving advert.

W2: *Gay* *porn*!

W3: *Wow*!!!

So gorgeous he could star in gay porn!

2 Responses to “Gay porn as a gold standard”

  1. arnold zwicky Says:

    An explanation for “knitting pattern”, from a contributor to the Urban Dictoionary (whose spelling is none too good):

    In the ’50s knitting patterns in the UK for men’s knitted attire would always have adverts/pictures of the most ammazing/good looking men. This therefore became a term to describe how good a man looked on the Atractive Scale – Knitting pattern is close to the top. (Knitting pattern guy is a phrase often used too).

  2. The Ridger Says:

    What was that old song my mother told me about? Sears and Roebuck, I’d like the man on page 83. Something like that.

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