Peeving etc. postings

In response to a query about “language peevers”, I offer a partial inventory of postings on language rage, language peeving, word aversion, and word attraction on Language Log and this blog. I stopped keeping the inventory up to date early this year; there is just so much to deal with.

Postings are from Language Log unless otherwise identified.

[GP, 2/12/04: No free speech for spam rage (link): about rage, but not rage over linguistic matters]

ML, 3/24/04: Fed up with “fed up”? (link): peeves

ML, 4/13/04: A field guide to prescriptivists (link): peeves

ML, 6/21/04: Reads, zaps and digresses (link): peeves

ML, 8/4/04: Disgust for voices and accents (link)

GP, 10/11/04: Language rage in Spain (link)

AZ, 11/17/04: Not a word! (link): peeves

GP, 4/11/05: The pointless game of Grammar Gotcha (link)

ML, 6/3/05: Step on a crack, break a grammar rule (link): peeves

ML, 8/30/05: “Grammar cranks” of the right (link): peeves

ML, 10/5/05: Stickler shock (link): peeves

ML, 10/6/05: Linguistic mens rea (link): peeves

ML, 10/7/05: Ann Coulter, grammarian (link): peeves

BZ, 10/25/05, Peeveblogging (link)

BZ, 10/28/05: The longue duree is not our forte (link): peeves

BZ, 11/1/05: Literally: a history (link): peeves

ML: 11/04/05: Word rage outside the Anglosphere? (link)

ML, 11/5/05: Shooting too good (link)

BZ, 2/15/06: Odium against “podium” (link)

BZ, 3/5/06: Pioneers of word rage (link)

ML, 11/12/06: Alarming decline in literacy among publicists and journalists (link)

ML, 12/26/06: Shakespearing the reader’s brain: a tragicomedy in three acts (link)

RS, 2/6/07: Language anger management (link)

ML, 2/7/07: Cavett kvetches (link)

ML, 2/8/07: “If only language could be ‘fixed’” (link)

AZ, 2/8/07: Droning on (link)

GN, 2/8/07: Word rage – not! (link)

AZ, 2/24/07: Tolerating variation, or not (link): peeves

ML, 2/27/07: The social psychology of linguistic naming and shaming (link): peeves

AZ, 3/2/07: Spelling rage (link)

ML, 7/5/07: Font rage (link)

BZ, 7/26/07: The ecology of peevology (link)

BZ, 8/20/07:  Peeveblogging marches on (link)

ML, 8/20/07: Ask Language Log: The moist panties phenomenon (link): word aversion

ML, 8/20/07: “Don’t say ‘tin’ to Rebecca, you  know how it upsets her” (link): word aversion

ML, 9/10/07: Morning mailbag (link): word aversion

ML, 10/6/07: The long moist tail (link): word aversion

AZ, 10/25/07: From cringe to offense (link): word aversion

ML, 2/18/08: The liturgy of lost causes (link): peeves

AZ, 2/26/08: National (omigod) Grammar Day (link): peeves

GP, 3/2/08: Lying feminst ideologues wreck English, says Yale prof (link)

ML, 3/14/08: Cognitive therapy for word rage (link)

GP, 3/21/08: Wiki rage in Sussex (link)

GP, 3/24/08: Colon rage (link)

ML, 8/27/08: Moist aversion: the cartoon version (link): word aversion

BZ, 11/24/08: The “meh” wars, part 2 (link)

AZ, 4/21/09: Prejudices, egocentrism, impositions, and intransigence (link): word avoidance, aversion, rage

ML, 5/13/09: Word attraction (link)

BZ, 5/19/09: Word aversion and attraction in the news (link): word aversion, attraction

ML, 6/17/09: Prescriptivist pain (link)

ML, 7/12/09: Word rage wins again (link): word rage

BZ, 8/8/09: The “moist” chronicles, continued (link): word aversion

ML, 8/25/09: Museum musing (link): John McIntyre on peevologists

AZ, 9/12/09: Whatever (link): peeves: whatever

ML, 9/26/09: Moving low-hanging fruit forward at the end of the day (link): peeves: ATEOTD

ML. 9/26/09: Memetic dynamics of summative cliches (link): peeves: ATEOTD

ML, 9/26/09: “At the end of the day” not management-speak (link): peeves: ATEOTD

BZ, 10/9/09: “Annoying word” poll results: Whatever! (link): peeves

ML, 10/30/09: Four centuries of peeving (link): cartoon: facebook used as a verb

AZBlog, 10/30/09: Dislike of blog (link)

ML, 11/24/09: Phrase rage (link)

AZBlog, 2/20/10: Zippylicious geographical names (link): word attraction/appreciation

Geoff Nunberg on NPR, 2/23/10 (link): peeves

GN, 2/26/10: The romantic side of familiar words (link): word attraction (“beautiful” words)

ML, 4/29/10: Twetiquette (link): peeves (and associated social attitudes), re Twitter

AZBlog, 5/3/10: Savoring words (link): word attraction/appreciation

ML, 7/23/10: Six words (link): word aversion

ML, 2/23/11: “Toot chuckle lil’ kidnap Snooki” (link): word aversion

3 Responses to “Peeving etc. postings”

  1. This Week’s Language Blog Roundup | Wordnik ~ all the words Says:

    […] Eric Baković considered Michelle Bachmann’s lack of a gaffe and the importance of context; while Mr. Pullum took on the politics of prescriptivism, and Mr. Liberman talked peever politics. Meanwhile, Arnold Zwicky rounded up Language Log’s peever posts. […]

  2. Linguists « Coby Lubliner’s Blog Says:

    […] so on. One of the leading Language Log contributors, Arnold Zwicky, provided (in his own blog) a listing of peeving-related postings up to about a year ago, and more recent ones can be found in the […]

  3. Generalized word rage « Arnold Zwicky's Blog Says:

    […] (A partial inventory of the many postings on language rage, language peeving, word aversion, and word attraction, on Language Log and this blog, through November of last year, can be found here.) […]

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